3 crosses at sunset


Prophetess Mattie J. Bass

Mattie J. (Evans) Bass was born February 22, 1917, to Walter (Papa) and Monemia Evans in Ambrose, Coffee County, Georgia. She was the oldest of twelve (12) children. As a young girl, she recalled Papa, a Holy Ghost-filled Minister, calling the children in from playing for a time of prayer, worship, and bible study. She was raised in Florida with her brothers and sisters.

Mattie married Joseph Sharpe and of this union, two children were born, Lois Marion and Joseph Dalton Sharpe (deceased). In 1942, Prophetess Bass received her cosmetology license from Sun Light Beauty School in Miami, Florida. She moved to Seattle, Washington in 1952, and opened her own beauty salon.

Prophetess Bass rededicated her life to Jesus in 1962 and was filled with the Holy Ghost five days after her conversion. God called her to preach the Gospel in 1965. She completed Biblical Correspondence Courses and received two awards of achievement. Prophetess Mattie Bass began her ministry as a pastor in the fall of 1967 in a small, store-front, corner building under the name of ‘God’s Pentecostal Prayer Mission’. Her leader, the late Bishop E. F. Morris, inspired and strongly encouraged her to be obedient to God’s call and the work assigned to her.

Women leaders of faith often face obstacles. While overcoming great resistance to this ministry, including some pastors and church organizations in the community, Prophetess Bass remained steadfast and God blessed the work. Many came to see this humble woman minister the Word under the power and authority of Jesus Christ. Many souls have been saved, healed, and delivered through this ministry!

In 1971, the ‘Mission’ moved to a larger building (17th and Lucille Street) and was renamed Seed of Abraham Pentecostal Church. The Lord continued to bless and add to the church until it became necessary to find a larger building to accommodate the members and move to our present location in Renton, Washington in 1980.

After celebrating her 90th birthday (February 22, 2007) Prophetess Bass continued to preach at the Seed of Abraham Pentecostal Church and accepted numerous invitations to minister outside of our church until her passing on November 10, 2007. She was admired by both men and women of the gospel because of her strong stance and values in holiness. She preached the simple message of salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ by repenting of sins and being baptized in water and in the Holy Ghost. God confirmed her ministry with many miracles and signs following. She inspired believers to stand on the promises of God and fight the good fight of faith!